Chi means: Life Force/Energy & Gong means: The way to harness Chi energy.

There are many Chi Gong styles. This Academy focuses on a particular Chi gong art that was derived from Hung Gar, Tsi Nun style, Tai chi; Yin & Yan styles and Ba Gua style, all put together into an easy to do system. Experience has shown that this Academy’s art of Chi Gong, activates the Chi very rapidly within a short period of time, easy to learn and exciting to do. These movements when repeated daily will start to reveal the greater depth of your energy flow.
The training is aimed at relaxing the body, calming the mind and focus on physical movements to help o within. coming in contact with the Chi, an Inner energy that is part of the life force allow the soul to exist in this Body in this world.
The Training Regime starts with:
- Salute
- Breathing,
- Positive affirmations,
- Stretching with the 18 exercises
- Sticking hands
- Grade/Level Training
- Meditation
- Positive affirmation
- Salute
Examples: Each stance needs to be said out loud from 10 >100 times per stance.
1. Calm & Centre the Mind stance:
2. Hold the Scales of Justice stance:
3. Push the Mountain stance:
4. Hold the Sky stance:
5. Hold the Earth stance:
6. Draw energy from the universe stance:
7. Hold the Tiger’s claws stance
8. Reach for one’s highest goal stance:
9. Draw from the bubbling well stance:
10. Anchoring & Stabilize stance:
More discription will be given to each student once they are members, to help them in there revision at home. The information is needed to help with the grading in each Certificate Level and sash Grade.
For more Info. Please call on: 02 96315024 / 0418664923